A-Z Landscaping Ridgefield CT
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Lawn Renovations in Redding CT

Proudly Serving

Wilton Connecticut

in Business
40 Years

Industry Leading

We pride ourselves on delivering the best services in the industry.

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(203) 438-1060

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Providing Lawn Renovations & Other Services in: Redding, CT & Surrounding Areas

Lawn Renovations in Redding CT

What We Do

Our A-Z Landscaping lawn renovations service team is industry leading. You will only receive the highest level of attention to detail by our experienced and professional crew.

Lush Green Stripped Lawn - A-Z Landscaping LLC

Lawn Renovations

If your lawn seems beyond repair, we can completely overhaul your current yard and start from scratch. This is a great option if your lawn is not easily salvageable or with older lawns that are more susceptible to insects and disease. In cases like this, we’ll remove the old turf. Then we’ll incorporate brand new topsoil that is rich in nutrients into the area. This addition will enhance the existing soil and provide a nutrient-rich environment where new hydroseed can take root.

Many customers assume that their lawn is worse than it actually is. If there are less invasive ways to improve your lawn that are just as effective, we’ll be sure to guide you in the right direction. Sometimes clients who have settled on a renovation are pleasantly surprised when the same results can be achieved by other less intense techniques.

When should you renovate?

  • If over half of your yard is weeds
  • If the weeds you have are persistent and difficult to remove
  • If you’ve had large-scale damage from things like droughts, insect infestation or flooding
  • You’re ready to overhaul to a better type of grass
  • Your lawn is over ten years old.

If you’re considering a renovation, we’ll happily take a look at your property and give you our honest feedback about whether a full renovation is the best option for your yard.

After a completed renovation, you can expect a beautiful, healthy weed-free yard. The process is intensive, but the results are definitely worth the effort.

We are located in Redding, CT and serve Fairfield & Litchfield County. If you’re interested in getting a quote or more information about our lawn renovations services, please call us today (203) 438-1060 or reach out through the form below.

Before Aerating Lawns in Ridgefield CT - A-Z Landscaping LLC
During Aerating Lawns in Ridgefield CT - A-Z Landscaping LLC
After Aerating Lawns in Ridgefield CT - A-Z Landscaping LLC

Lawn Renovations

If your lawn seems beyond repair, we can completely overhaul your current yard and start from scratch. This is a great option if your lawn is not easily salvageable or with older lawns that are more susceptible to insects and disease. In cases like this, we’ll remove the old turf. Then we’ll incorporate brand new topsoil that is rich in nutrients into the area. This addition will enhance the existing soil and provide a nutrient-rich environment where new hydroseed can take root.

Many customers assume that their lawn is worse than it actually is. If there are less invasive ways to improve your lawn that are just as effective, we’ll be sure to guide you in the right direction. Sometimes clients who have settled on a renovation are pleasantly surprised when the same results can be achieved by other less intense techniques.

Before Aerating Lawns in Ridgefield CT - A-Z Landscaping LLC

When should you renovate?

  • If over half of your yard is weeds
  • If the weeds you have are persistent and difficult to remove
  • If you’ve had large-scale damage from things like droughts, insect infestation or flooding
  • You’re ready to overhaul to a better type of grass
  • Your lawn is over ten years old.
During Aerating Lawns in Ridgefield CT - A-Z Landscaping LLC
If you’re considering a renovation, we’ll happily take a look at your property and give you our honest feedback about whether a full renovation is the best option for your yard.

After a completed renovation, you can expect a beautiful, healthy weed-free yard. The process is intensive, but the results are definitely worth the effort.

After Aerating Lawns in Ridgefield CT - A-Z Landscaping LLC
We are located in Redding, CT and serve Fairfield & Litchfield County. If you’re interested in getting a quote or more information about our lawn renovations services, please call us today (203) 438-1060 or reach out through the form below.
Wide Lawn
Aerating Lush Green Grass
Lush Green Stripped Lawn - A-Z Landscaping LLC


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rose test lawn renovation A-Z Landscaping Ridgefield CT


I wanted to let you know that you, Paul and your fabulous group of workers have totally transformed our property. It has never looked this beautiful. We are in awe of all that has been done so professionally and with your care and consideration.

Anyone lucky enough to benefit from your complete landscaping knowledge and background knows what A-Z Landscaping brings to your customers.

Looking forward to being among them.

J lawn renovation A-Z Landscaping Ridgefield CT

Jessica Bondur

I just wanted to say thank you to Craig for his advice.  We had a large tree at the edge of our property that needed to be removed.  When I requested a quote for removal from Craig he advised me to call the highway department and suggested that they would probably be able to move it for me with no cost.  He was absolutely right and they came out this morning and removed the entire tree for us.

Thanks for the great and money-saving advice!  I really appreciate it.



I wanted to let you know that you, Paul and your fabulous group of workers have totally transformed our property. It has never looked this beautiful. We are in awe of all that has been done so professionally and with your care and consideration.

Anyone lucky enough to benefit from your complete landscaping knowledge and background knows what A-Z Landscaping brings to your customers.

Looking forward to being among them.

Jessica Bondur

Jessica Bondur

I just wanted to say thank you to Craig for his advice.  We had a large tree at the edge of our property that needed to be removed.  When I requested a quote for removal from Craig he advised me to call the highway department and suggested that they would probably be able to move it for me with no cost.  He was absolutely right and they came out this morning and removed the entire tree for us.

Thanks for the great and money-saving advice!  I really appreciate it.

A-Z Landscaping LLC | A-Z Landscaping

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